There’s always someone in your family who is just not good at buying gifts. You can hint to them, wink, even send them a link with gifts you might like and somehow they always manage to NOT get it right. In my family, that person would be me. I’m not good at buying gifts for others. But, I am good at buying gifts for myself. Since I’m so sure about what I want. I’m sending this link to all my friends and family so that they know exactly what this mother wants for Christmas. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the gifts on this list are exactly what most brown mamas would want for Christmas. Here we go!
1. Lounge Wear
Mackell, honey, I need at least 3 sets of lounge wear. Ideal destinations would be Target or Victoria Secret. I love my decorative housecoats that you buy all the time (click this link to learn more about those), but I’d love some cute clothes to wear when I’m chilling around the house.
2. Bamboo Earrings
I don’t know about you mamas, but I love my big earrings. Whether they are shaped like the motherland or some good, old-fashioned big hoops, my bamboo earrings make me feel like I still have that “around the way girl” swag while maintaining my class level. For a good pair, try a local vendor or Etsy is full of urban ear candy.
3. Re-Purposed Jewelry
I got married when I was 7 months pregnant. So as you can imagine, my wedding ring doesn’t exactly fit. Since I’m about 50 lbs. lighter than when I first got my ring, it has more than enough wiggle room. It would be nice to re-purpose my wedding ring into some nice earrings or a necklace. (Hint, Hint, Wink, Wink). Whether it’s she has outgrown a piece of jewelry or you re-purpose a timeless piece given to her by an ancestor or older relative, most brown mamas love to have their old pieces made new with a little updating.
4. A Book of 3 (or more) IOUs
Now these must be usable at anytime for anything, and non-refundable on the part of the giver. Being a mom is hard and we are always in need of an extra set of hands. Giving a mom a book of IOUs is like giving a kid an all-access pass to an amusement park. She will absolutely love it! If you need some ideas click here for Muffy’s List of IOUs any mom will love.
5. Kitchen Appliances
A rice cooker, deep fryer and toaster oven are all on my list of essential kitchen appliances that I still don’t have. These gifts not only give your kitchen an upgrade, but help your household run more efficiently during the new year. Since my goal for 2015 is self-discipline, which includes timely meal preparation, anyone of those items previously listed would be great gifts for this mom.
6. A Spa Day
If you’re a mom, than a spa day is likely not at the top of your to-do list everyday. But, getting a spa gift certificate for Christmas moves it right to the top. Mackell, if we can fit it in the budget, I’m way overdue for a facial and you could use a massage. Euphorik Salon is having a special right now and if you get me a gift certificate, I’ll take you along!
What about you mamas? What is your perfect Christmas gift?