This is a touchy subject for brown mommys. Most of us got some type of corporal punishment when we were growing up, at least I know I did. But, over the last decade there has been a growing movement among all parents and local governments to bring that ol’ thang back when it comes to spanking….
To Spank or Not to Spank?
Lessons I Learned from My 8-Year-Old
By: Tiffany Huff, Motivational Speaker and Purpose Pusher My youngest son just turned 8 years old. I am so luck y to be charged with being his Mommy and loving him each and every day of his life. He is full of life, laughter, ideas and possibilities! Everyday he lives life to the fullest and… -
How to Deal with a Disappointing Co-Parent
By: Diamonte Walker We’ve all been there at some point. The relationship has come to an end and the other parent is not living up to their end of the bargain – or at least it feels that way. You need partnership when taking care of kids, so it is frustrating when it seems like… -
5 Ways to Avoid Mommy Burnout
By: Liberated Mommy, Diamonte Walker Raising kids is no joke. For those of us who do it, and want to do it well, burn out will come with the territory. Things like exhaustion, grumpiness and the desire to stick a fork in a socket will arise. But, no fear, here are 5 Brown Mommy tips… -
Is School a Lesson in Learning or Obedience?
As a mom you are a lifelong learner. For me, motherhood has been a vast opportunity to learn new lessons in love, listening and life daily. I seldom meet a person, read a book or article or even scold my kids without the intention to learn something from that situation or experience. But today I… -
5 Lessons I Learned from Nia Long
Like most brown girls I first came in sync with the power of Ms. Long via Love Jones. The spell she cast on Darius in that film had me imitating her every move. I thought if I could work that voodoo in life and love it would be no time before I was running through a… -
Should Your Daughter Really Be Dating?
Your daughter wants to go on a date? As soon as she hits 13 questions begins to circulate in your mind about the rules for dating your daughter. Should I let boys call the house? Where should I let her go on dates at? How is too old for boys she might want to date? Does… -
How to Deal with an Ineffective Teacher
School just began and your kid is having teacher problems. But, is your kid really the issue? Many parents know it’s normal to have teacher problems with at least one teacher throughout their kid’s school career and their right. But, for Black children it’s not just a problem, it’s an epidemic. A study by the Centers… -
How to Deal with an Ineffective Teacher
School just began and your kid is having teacher problems. But, is your kid really the issue? Many parents know it’s normal to have teacher problems with at least one teacher throughout their kid’s school career and their right. But, for Black children it’s not just a problem, it’s an epidemic. A study by the Centers…