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Penn State University Resource Center

  1. Penn State University Resource Center

    Penn State University Resource Center | Guides that subject based through research around supports for small businesses.
  2. Pittsburgh Small Business Development

    Pittsburgh Small Business Development | The Pennsylvania Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are a nationally accredited program that provides educational training, business resources, and experienced no-cost, confidential consulting to small business owners and entrepreneurs. The Pennsylvania SBDC has a statewide network of 15 centers and outreach locations to serve small businesses.
  3. Bridge Way Capital-Funding

    Bridge Way Capital-Funding | Bridgeway has partnered with Paramount Pursuits to launch Open for Business. The program offers free marketing, accounting, legal services, and more to Allegheny County-based small businesses located in low- and moderate-income areas. The assistance is tailored to each small business to help them transition to being fully open for business. Our…
  4. Hilltop Alliance

    Hilltop Alliance | Here you will find the most up-to-date resources for Small Businesses.
  5. PA Small Business Association

    PA Small Business Association | Serving as the first point of contact for Pennsylvania business development concerns, the Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop connects and guides businesses through all stages of development — from planning and startup to operating and expanding.
  6. PA Parent and Family Alliance

    PA Parent and Family Alliance | At the PA Parent and Family Alliance, we do. We’ve designed one-of-a-kind, no-cost resources for parents whose children are experiencing mental health challenges because we believe that parents are the best advocates for their children. And, to be your child’s best advocate, you need tools, resources, and guidance. That’s…
  7. The Wellness Collective

    The Wellness Collective | Mental Wellness Speed Dating , and Mutual Aid
  8. Salvation Army

    Salvation Army | Anyone in need of a nutritious meal can find one at The Salvation Army. Our holistic approach to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of each person helps move many from crisis to empowerment.
  9. Support Services – The Stepping Stone Pathway

    Support Services The Stepping Stone Pathway | The Stepping Stone Pathways assist single parents in post-secondary education with a holistic two-generation approach to graduate on time with their highest academic potential
  10. Mercy’s Gift

    Mercy’s Gift | The money raised by the Mercy Run directly support Mercy’s Gift, reaching out to continue care and support for siblings in families experiencing child loss.

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