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4 Things Every Mama Should Do Before Starting a Blog

The site might look nice, but it’s a lot of work.  Let’s just say my part-time job did not prepare me for the long nights, don’t know what I’m doings (I know that’s not a word) and endless hours spent staring at a computer screen (still wondering what am I doing).  If I had it my way, I would go back and change a few things before deciding to dive right into the world of mommy blogging on a first-time, full-time basis. So, here are my 5 things I wish I would have thought about before starting my own business.

1. Get your kids on a chore regimen.

My kids were already doing chores, but now that I’ve started my own business it’s even more essential.  Because I’m in the house all day if it’s messy, it really messes with my groove.  I end up cleaning all day instead of working.  I also no longer have the time to clean the way I used to.  When I was working my hourly gig, I could spend the evening cleaning or even the weekends.  But, the one thing to remember when starting your own business is

If you don’t do it, it don’t get done!

For that reason, the hours I used to spend cleaning have become office hours.  So now, I make sure my kids are on a regular regimen of keeping my work bathroom (the downstairs bathroom) clean, emptying the small trash cans and cleaning the cafeteria (or the dining room table).

2. Make sure you are updated on the latest tech gadgets.

I spent a whole month sharing stuff on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn manually before I discovered HootSuite which allows you to schedule social media post.  Doing that can take hours away from your day, and really make you hate social media.

Secondly, my old Samsung Lite is not equipped for twitter parties and constant Facebook updates.  Sometimes it will just shut down as if to say, “Now you know damn well I’m not meant for business.”  My advice mamas, if you are going to start a business of any kind make sure you are down with the latest apps, have a laptop and that your cell phone is ready for constant high levels of usage.

© Copyright 2010 CorbisCorporation3. Get Used to Getting Up Early

I thought that waking up daily at 5 am for my job at the radio network had prepared me for being my own boss.  However, as soon as it was no longer mandatory, I started sleeping in until 7 am.  That’s a no-no when you’re starting a blog.  (If anything you need to be up earlier) Whereas before it didn’t bother me if I was 10 minutes late for work everyday.  (Yes, I was operating on CP) But now, it throws off my whole day when I don’t get my kid’s homeschooling lessons started on-time, or my older son loses his bus pass, and I get back to my computer a whole hour later than usual.  In the world of entrepreneurship, you’re only as good as your regimented schedule.  Us female business owners need those extra hours in the morning to get centered, scheduled and ready to start the day.

4. Find ways to get your man on board

Two heads are definitely better than one when it comes to independent employment.  When I first started BrownMamas.com, I figured it would be a solo affair because I’m writing about things that affect women.  But, that was a lie.  All my late nights at the computer and complaints about my lack of business savvy forced him into my workspace.  Once my husband was able to see the business aspect of the site, it became a dual deal.  He understood things about business that I just didn’t grasp.  Now, when he comes home from work he gets involved with BrownMamas.com and I get to learn all about the world of advertising and pitching from him.

So mamas, are you thinking of starting your own business?  What are your next steps?

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