resource Diapers and Baby Products – Resources for Moms
Diapers and baby products, car seats formula and infant clothing can be a pricey right after having a baby. Check out this list.
Welcome Little One provides diapers, clothing and other baby items on an “as available” basis for up to one year old. Also provides self-administered pregnancy tests. Call (412) 391-6862 for more info.
Cribs for Kids provides infant safe sleeping environments to low income families throughout the country. Provides safe sleep education to parents and professionals. Click here or call 412-322-5686for more info.
New Hope United Methodist Church distributes diapers on Friday’s from 1-5. Call (412) 231-7882 for more info.
Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank provides diapers to agencies who directly distribute them. Click here for a list of over 40 agencies across Pittsburgh that distribute free diapers.
The PA Traffic Injury Prevention Project has a car seat loan program. Click here for a list of participating agencies in Pittsburgh.