I meet families all the time that are searching for African-Centered Curriculum. The involvement of African-American families in homeschooling has become palpable. Homeschooling is as old as time and many Black families are adopting it instead of the traditional schooling system. Academic interest in homeschooling has spiked over the last decade.
Black families are taking charge of their children’s education as a way of liberating them from systematic racism and exposing them to black history and culture that is missing from schools.
Curricular consideration is essential since many Eurocentric curriculums affect the black child’s sense of purpose and self-worth. Here, I have curated a list of Afro-centric curriculum and tools Black homeschoolers can incorporate into everyday learning.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants by Education for Life Academy
This is a real deal African-Centered, comprehensive history curriculum that starts in Ancient Africa and goes all the way to the contemporary African Diaspora. Each unit of Education for Life Academy’s curricula has videos, thought-provoking question and writing opportunities and articles to examine the content. I’m using this with my kids this year.
Sankofa Science Solutions
Mainly based in the fields of STEM, Sankofa Science Solutions aims to provide the ground where the innate ability of a child becomes activated. They do this by utilizing African Science that conforms to the understanding of the modern learner.
The Historic Journey Curriculum
This curriculum engages young adults in educational activities that enhanced learning, critical thinking and problem-solving. With their core subjects, The Historic Journey Curriculum, introduces students to cultural awareness.
SciExperience by Dr. Callentine
So glad I found this SciExperience. Dr. Callentine, a homeschooling parent, educator and physician, created this bundle of resources to assist parents in teaching their kids science. The site boasts chemistry, biology, anatomy and other science books as well as dissection kits and all kinds of tools for your home science lab. Check her out, this is a dope one!

The ABCs of the Black Panther Party
The ABCs of the Black Panther Party brings to black homeschooling children the black histories that are not shared in the school. From Decolonizing Education Publishing, the book also lends support to families to integrate it into their homeschooling curriculum.
Legacy Kits
These kits that expose children to African and African-American history were created by two sisters. The kits are organized by historical figures from the African Diaspora and you can subscribe in increments of 1,3,6 or 12 months. Check out Legacy Kits here.
Woke Homeschooling
The Oh Freedom! textbook and journal are an indigenous-centered, conscious history curriculum that looks at historical events from the perspective of the oppressed. I really like this curriculum, but you must look through the material to see what’s age appropriate for your kid. Some of the referenced text is too complex, from a reading perspective, for younger children and some of it is not.
Brown Mamas Guide to DeSchooling
If you’re searching for a way to begin your homeschooling journey with whole-family wellness in mind and liberating activities for your kids, Brown Mamas’ Guide to DeSchooling is your go-to resource for stepping into the homeschooling path with intention and grace.
Kamili Academy- Education for Liberation
The Kamili Academy- Education for Liberation is an online curriculum that empowers young children with Afrikan-centered resources. This online curriculum is designed for pk-8 students.

Kwanzaa 365: A Revolutionary Early Childhood Curriculum
Kwanzaa 365 is designed for children 4-8 years old. This African-centered curriculum offers a comprehensive definition of the Kwanzaa principle and how to implement them in their daily lives for community development.
Back History is American History by Mamademics
The monthly curriculum by Mamademics encompasses 52 courses designed for children aged 6 and below, which teaches children about black history.
Curriculum and Culture
Every resource offered is created by a Black certified teacher. Curriculum and Culture takes pride in providing affordable, high quality reading and writing curriculum to build your kids skills.

A Quick Marcus Garvey Lesson Plan
If you are a mom who just needs a quick win today, check out this simple Marcus Garvey Lesson Plan. It includes a video, art project and quick writing and reading assignment.
Your Guide to Creating Your Own Curriculum
For parents considering the idea of educating their children at home but have no idea where to start, Your Guide to Creating Your Own Curriculum, is a blueprint that parents who are new to homeschooling can use to design a curriculum based on their children’s unique needs. Focuses on an African- Centered education.
Urban Intellectual’s Black History Flash Cards
Designed to combat the miseducation and suppression of Black achievements around the globe, Urban Intellectual’s 52-card deck of Black history cards gives a strong foundation to the many untold stories, achievements, and unknown African people that have given shape, color, and definition to the worlds of academia, science, civil rights, business, the arts, and more.

Unschooling Classes by Akilah S. Richards
Akilah (https://akilahsrichards.com/) has several online options for parents, children and young people to explore the concept of deschooling and begin implementing practices and a lifestyle that’s rooted in liberation.
Aya Educational Institute
Aya (http://www.ayaed.com/) is an African-centered educational institute that aims to African centered education for the social development and, community accountability of blacks.
A Blessed Heritage Educational Resources
Blessed Heritage Educational
Resources (http://www.blessedheritage.com/)
avails students a diverse display of the American culture that is rooted out of
today’s school curriculum.
These books, websites and curriculum will help black families become flexible in choosing curricular that aligns with black culture and history. Consequentially, it helps the kids grow in an environment where their self-worth will be recognized.
Any Co-ops in Greensboro NC area for older children ?
[…] we are game-changers. History curriculum like the one I authored, A Blessed Heritage, are more readily available. Conventions are looking for speakers—not just the same old, same old with brown faces, but folks […]
Please add the Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Black history curriculum for grades 5+. http://Www.educationforlifeacademy.com! Perfect for home schoolers and teachers.
I was just looking at this curriculum about to add it. Thanks!
Please add http://www.aelearning.net as a resource for black homeschooling parents
[…] For parents who wish to include a more Afro-centric thrust, the “Brown Mama” website, offers a list of resources and learning experiences parents can integrate into their child’s curriculum. (https://brownmamas.com/african-centered-curriculum/) […]
Thank you for all the wonderful information! My daughter is 11 and has always been homeschooled.. It’s the greatest joy of my life to be able to be such a big part of her education. We live in a small mostly white town in the PNW and it’s hard to find ideas on how to support our diversity through educational materials. I appreciate all the great suggestions! I’m so happy to find this site and hear that there are many other black families homeschooling.