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blog Essential Books for Young Adults Navigating Life

Navigating Adulthood: Essential Books for Young Adults

Giving our son books for young adults was a crucial part of his transition to adulthood mostly because he did not want to listen to us.

This period is so critical in shape his future that we couldn’t just depend on us, his parents, to be his only option for sound advice. Books for young adults can offer wisdom, life lessons, and strategies for success.

Here are 5 books we encouraged our son to read during his journey to adulthood.

books for young adults

“Chop Wood, Carry Water” by Joshua Medcalf

A Journey of Perseverance and Passion

“Chop Wood, Carry Water” is a compelling narrative that teaches the importance of loving the process to achieve your dreams. Medcalf’s story is about a young man’s journey to become a samurai warrior, underscoring the value of perseverance, patience, and embracing daily tasks. This book is a perfect metaphor for young adults to understand that success is not an overnight phenomenon, but a result of consistent effort and dedication.

Books for Young Adults - Chop Wood, Carry Water

“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

Embracing Personal Legends

Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” is a timeless novel that speaks to the soul of its reader. It’s a magical story about Santiago, a shepherd boy who dreams of discovering a worldly treasure. His quest takes him far from home, teaching him about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the omens strewn along life’s path, and, above all, following our dreams. It is a vital read for young adults learning to navigate their path in life.

Books for Young Adults - The Alchemist

“The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason

Financial Wisdom from Ancient Times

In “The Richest Man in Babylon,” Clason offers invaluable financial advice through parables set in ancient Babylon. These stories are as relevant today as they were in ancient times, providing young adults with the foundational principles of financial management, such as saving, investing, and avoiding debt. This book is crucial for young adults to learn the importance of financial literacy as they step into independence.

Richest Man in Babylon

“You Owe You” by Eric Thomas

Igniting Your Inner Power

Eric Thomas’s “You Owe You” emphasizes self-accountability and the power of believing in oneself. Thomas, with his gripping narrative, inspires readers to stop looking for external validation and start owing their success to their efforts. For young adults, this book is a powerful reminder that their future is in their hands, and they owe it to themselves to achieve their fullest potential.

Books for Young Adults, You Owe You

“The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield

Blueprint for Achieving Goals

Jack Canfield’s “The Principles of Success” is a comprehensive guide that outlines the fundamental steps to achieve success in any aspect of life. This book is essential for young adults as it not only motivates but also provides practical strategies to turn dreams into reality. Canfield’s insights are particularly beneficial for those at the cusp of adulthood, laying a solid foundation for personal and professional growth.


Books for young adults play a crucial role in shaping their understanding of the world and themselves. The transition to adulthood is complex, filled with new responsibilities and decisions. The above books offer diverse perspectives and wisdom, aiding young adults in this transition. From financial literacy to personal development, these books provide the tools and inspiration necessary for young adults to navigate life’s challenges and triumphs.

Click here for a list of all of these books.

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