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brown mamas

blog Chapter 3: Stop Losing Your Keys

In the third chapter of the Brown Mama Mindset you are challenged with reexamining your relationship with your family and your community. 

What resources and supports exist around you? How are you utilizing them? Are you really alone or are you just feeling lonely?

Use this video to explain asset mapping to your participants.

Chapter Three Slide Deck


Chapter Focus:

Chapter three focuses on community connection and challenges mothers to assess the resources, support and assets they have in their community.

Being a Black mother can feel isolating.  Our communities are often not equipped with what we need.  From lack of access to daycare to community violence and living in neighborhoods that are not beautiful, it can feel daunting just to be.

But that doesn’t mean our communities don’t have resources.  From grandmas, aunties and friends to community centers and programs, this chapter asks moms to see the benefits of the communities and cities they live in.

Use the Chapter Three Slide Deck to walk moms through the chapter.

Mind Check Deck Card: What hard truths have you learned about yourself from others?

This question asks mamas and guides to think about how they were affected and are being affected by the people around them.  It challenges them to consider the hard lessons they’ve learned while navigating the world.


Indexed Content:

  1. 59-63: The story of Ms. Gaston (essential reading)
  2. 66: I know that you’ve been told that everything you need to succeed is already inside of you, and that’s partially true...

Conversation Starter: 

In this activity we want our mamas to recognize the strengths of the communities they live in and families they care for, serve and lead.  


Let’s use our Asset Mapping Worksheet to think about the strengths that we have in our heads, hearts and hands

Here are a few questions and encouragements you can provide while they fill out this document.

  • Encourage your student to think about people and circumstances where they have received unexpected guidance and wisdom.  
  • Encourage your students to think about the positive aspects of their families and communities and the ways that their community and families have made lemonade out of lemons.
  • What lessons have been taught by unlikely people?
  • What symbols, signs or circumstances have consistently been present for you when you needed to make a big transition or were looking for advice? 


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