If I only had enough money to purchase one cleaning product to deodorize, sanitize and fantastisize (not a word) my whole house, sorry Clorox it wouldn’t be bleach, it would be Scrubbing Bubbles Foaming Bathroom cleaner. You see I’m a Levy lady. That means that for the last three generations my family has used Scrubbing Bubbles as our go-to cleaning product. Visit any one of my mom, sister’s, aunt or grandmother’s homes and you will find we all have one thing in common: a bright green (or yellow) canister of Scrubbing Bubbles. Over the years I have found that this all-encompassing household cleanser does way more than clean bathtubs, toilets and tile. You can literally use scrubbing bubbles for just about anything, making it the best cleaning product ever in my opinion. From your floors, to your windows to your shoes, if you are willing to give it a try you will find that S.C. Johnson makers were not just thinking about your bathroom when they created this revolutionary product, they were thinking about your whole home and you.
Without further a due, here are my 5 things you never knew you could use Scrubbing Bubbles to clean.
1. Scrubbing Bubbles Use 1: Sneakers
Every other weekend when I was a kid my sister would get a bowl, about 2 cups of water, an old toothbrush and the can of Scrubbing Bubbles out of the bathroom and she would go to town cleaning her white Reebok classics. (You remember those.) To this day I’m astonished at the length of time those Reebok sneakers stayed white and shiny. Bottom-line any thing that is white and solid can be made new with Scrubbing Bubbles.
2. Use 2: Get dirt stains off of white floors
This experience is actually the one that made me write this post. One evening while mopping the floors near my back door I became super frustrated with the dirt stains caused by constant in and out traffic of my three sons. Upon entering the downstairs bathroom and seeing my bright green buddy, it hit me that the Scrubbing Bubbles would probably get the stains out. And, boy did it work. It got out all the stains and damn near made the floors look new. ‘Mind ya’ll, I’m not getting paid to write this post, I’m telling you it works.

3. Use 3: Clean Your White Walls
Yup, fill up your bucket with some warm water, grab an old towel and spray your walls down with Scrubbing Bubbles. Viola! Once you’ve wiped up you’ll see the hand prints, and food stains disappear. Unlike bleach, it doesn’t dis-color your walls either.
4. Kitchen Appliances
I always clean my stove top and kitchen appliances with Scrubbing Bubbles. It cuts grease and gives your metal appliances a nice shine. Plus, as it says in the commercials, you can pretty much let it sit (even in the microwave) when you come back to wipe, the job is pretty much done.
YES!!! I love scrubbing bubbles. You can just spray your entire bathroom walk away for a few minutes and wipe it down. 100% clean. I also just used it to get rid of some built up grime on a laminate floor.