Collect something. Whether its wine, stamps, old radios, just collect something that makes sparks your interest.
Start reading. If you’re children are older or you have some spare time, find an author and read all of his/her books. A mother who reads will influence her children to take up the habit. Amazon gives away a free e-book everyday. You can start there.
Scrapbooking is a great way to release tension, store your memories for sharing later and it solidifies your legacy as something for your children to remember you by once you’re long gone. You can find scrapbooks and glue sticks at the Dollar Store. Get out your old pictures, the kid’s old art projects and your 3 grade report card and get started!
You’d be amazed what you could do with a disposable camera from the drug store. When I was in college I accidentally destroyed my film for my end of year assignment. So, I went out and brought a disposable camera and took all of my photos with it. My professor had no idea and said my photos were some of the best he’d seen that semester. Start where you’re at. The point of having a hobby is to release tension and build delight. Just take some pictures.
Learn to knit. Make your grandma a blanket, knit a new rug for your bedroom or just make yourself a scarf. Experience the different hues you can choose from, subscribe to a knitting magazine and do different projects as often as you’d like.
If Michelle Obama can do it, so can you. Get out in your patch of dirt, however small, big, oblong or rectangular it might be, and plant something. Experience the joy of watching something grow from the work of your own hands.
Learn to play an instrument. The drums, piano, the harmonica, whatever floats your boat. If you love listening to music, you’ll love learning to make your own.
Hope you enjoyed this list of hobbies any woman can start now. Do you have a hobby to add to the list? Comment below.