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5 Easy, Fun Holiday Traditions for Black Families

  1. 5 Easy, Fun Holiday Traditions for Black Families

    During the holidays all mamas are looking forward to a few days off of work, some snuggle time with their families and, if you’re lucky, a little fun.  One way to add some consistent fun time to your holiday season is to start a family tradition.  Just like any other day of the year, holidays…
  2. LAUGH: 5 Reasons I Despise My Kid’s Holiday Performances

    It’s the second half of the year and while that means turkey, presents and family, for us mamas it also means a slew of recitals, plays and my least favorite “school performances.”  I know you’re probably thinking about how it makes you giggle to see your child breeze, or struggle, through the newest remix to…
  3. Beyonce: Are we Raising Too Many CEOs and Not Enough Husbands & Fathers?

    I remember my days of single motherhood very vividly.  The cold bus rides, enjoyable first baby moments spent alone and the endless nights where I wished I had a mate to share them with.  While I also had some great moments as a single mom, like  graduating from college with baby boy in tow, I…
  4. Are Your Children’s Mistakes Becoming Your Baggage?

    Welcome to Living with Soul! Enjoy!  
  5. #GoodMama Connie Strives Toward Perfection of Motherhood

    “Mommin’ Ain’t Easy,” the moment I read that part of Connie’s motherhood journey, she became a mom after my own heart.  She’s 110% right.  Motherhood is not easy, but it’s satisfying, rewarding and just makes you feel good.  Constance is another Brown Mama from Pittsburgh who has taken on the motherhood challenge full throttle.  Not…
  6. 4 Essential Commitments for Family Success

    Persistence, resilience and an intense focus are characteristics often paired with creating a successful career or opening a new business, but what I’ve found is that it takes the same commitment to success to raise children and nurture a relationship.  Each time you’re lifestyle and family gets an upgrade (whether its a new kitchen mat,…
  7. #GoodMama Kamila Lays a Good Foundation through Motherhood

    Kamila is one of the courageous moms who stepped up to the challenge of the #GoodMama campaign and is sharing her mothering journey with the world.  Having recently dropped her oldest son off at college, she has reached a milestone that, I’m sure, at one time seemed impossible.  Kamila’s story goes to show that when moms…
  8. 5 Ways You Know You’re Raising a Good Kid

    So around the time you’re kid turns about 12 most brown mamas begin to ask themselves (on a regular basis) am I doing a good job.  Is my daughter or son going to be a good adult?  Well it turns out there are some pretty sure fire ways (at least I think) to determine a…
  9. Braid Your Summer Plants Instead of Cutting for Fall Clean-up

    Rather than cutting back your summer flowers after they’ve yellowed and began to wilt due to the cool air blowing into your neighborhood, try this quick and easy braid and bantu knot method.
  10. #GoodMama Denene Asks and Receives the Gift of Motherhood

    Becoming an adoptive parent has always been an experience I’ve aspired to have.  So meeting, Ms. Denene who’s already talked the talk and is now walking the walk was a great delight.  Through our three-hour lunch she and I discussed everything from her super active two children, our agreement on teaching Black history to our…

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