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blog #GoodMama De’Saundra Lives Up to Motherhood’s Expectations

De’Saundra is one of my mommy mentors.  We work together at American Urban Radio Networks and during the time we were on the morning shift together, she was more like my mom than my supervisor.  She gave me words of encouragement and wisdom, and I really look up to her.  I love the way she handles her children.  Her older son calls her at work in the morning and she counsels him on everything from what to wear to how to proceed with his day.  She didn’t know it, but I was always listening in and admiring her style of parenting.  De’Saundra is a more than capable mom, who is loving and kind enough to share some of her tools and capabilities with a fellow mama like me.  I appreciate you girl, and am glad to be able to honor your motherhood journey!

1. What makes you a #goodmama?

I try to make every decision in my life based upon how it will affect my kids.  I want them to be happy as well as be proud of me.  As a mom having boys one thing to keep in mind is that I’m not only getting them ready for life but also getting them ready for their wives.  So, I try to teach them how a good man treats a woman and how a good woman treats a man.


Christopher, 10, and Cayden, 4

2. When did you first become a mom and how did you feel?

I kind of felt like I was in the twilight zone.  I was very nervous, and was hoping I could meet the expectations of a being a mom.

3. Tell us one of your funniest mommy moments.

When I had my first son I was very concerned about his vocabulary.  So, we would think of words that had the same meaning.  For example, enemy and nemesis.  We did that often.  He is also an animal lover.  So one day when he was around 4 or 5  and we were riding in the car and saw road kill.  He says, “Mommy did you see that deer?”  I said yes.  He then says, “Well mommy I am orange -choly about that deer.”  I said,  ” What!?”  He says it again.  I thought about it then I asked him if he meant melancholy?  He said, “Oh yeah!  That’s it!”

4. How do your feelings about motherhood differ now?

Kind of the same, but now more excited.  Sometimes I still get nervous because I’m still trying everyday to be the best mom I can be.

5. What advice would you give to a new mom?

Take one day at a time. Also, never compare your child, or the way you handle your child, to anyone else.

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