Our #goodmama campaign continues this time with a special friend I made while beginning my motherhood journey in the nation’s Big Apple. I met Marsha as a member of Mocha Moms Queens Chapter. Which is really where my journey toward BrownMamas.com began. Marsha was all smiles and loveliness back then and she continues to be. Let’s take a look at her motherhood journey!
1. When did you first become a mother and how did you feel?
I first became a mom in 2007, with the birth of my first daughter. I was super excited and happy, but scared also. Scared that I wouldn’t live up to my own high standards of being the best mom that I could be for her. Questions like, “What if I get it wrong?, What if I make a mistake?, etc. When she arrived I was on cloud nine. I enjoyed her so much and felt a new sense of purpose in my life.
2. How do your feelings about motherhood differ now.
My feelings about motherhood differ now, because I learned to let go of my fears and let God and love lead me in this awesome responsibility of motherhood. Just doing the best that I can with love in my heart.
3. What makes you a #GoodMama?
I am a #goodmama because I put my children first. I treat them like they are the most important people in the world to me because they are (even on the days when they drive me bonkers!). I encourage them daily by speaking life into their hearts and minds. And not a day goes by that I don’t tell them that I love them.
4. Why do you believe Black moms get a bad rep?
Perhaps because society views a few instances of bad parenting and automatically paints a broad brush of negativity for all black moms. The positive interactions and love that many children receive from strong black moms aren’t highlighted enough.
5. What your funniest mommy moment

6. If you could any advice to a mom what would it be?
I would say to pray, follow your heart and do everything with Love. Always communicate with your children and don’t leave it up to the school only to educate your child. You are their first example, role model and teacher. Encourage them to ask questions and use life’s situations as teachable moments.
The author, Toni Morrison, once told Oprah that she learned to show her son that he was the most important thing to her when he entered a room. She would stop what she was doing and instead of telling him to tuck his shirt in, or tie his shoes properly, etc., she would first simply convey that she was glad to see him. I never forgot that. Since then, I always try to turn seeing them into an exciting event filled with hugs and smiles, particularly in the mornings when they first wake up or when I pick them up from school.