As you may have heard, winter is coming, and there’s nothing worse than being outside with cold and dry hands, or having no tissue when you’re kid just sneezed a whole snot bubble. Let’s try to avoid those little annoying and embarrassing mishaps this autumn by keeping our right-shoulder ladies equipped with these cold-weather necessities.
I don’t know about you, but I hate cold hands. It’s so easy to get stuck outside in end days of fall with no gloves. So keep a cute pair of slim, but warm leather gloves in your purse.
Most women don’t think of keeping an extra pair of socks. That is until your ankle booties are met with a surprise cold rain shower or are forced to trample some snow. Plus, if your little one loses his glove, this sock will do until you get them home.
I know it’s happened to you because it’s happened to me. Your walking down the street, on the bus or driving in the car and your kid sneezes his brains out onto his bottom lip. And to make the situation even better, there’s not a piece of tissue in sight. Stock-up on purse size tissue packs and put them in your purse.