The Brown Mama Mindset Curriculum is purposed with helping Black moms do the work on their journey toward fulfilled emotional, mental and social wealth. From transforming their relationship with time, to examining their routines and understanding your male/female relationships, the Brown Mama Mindset takes moms on a Sankofa-focused quest to go back and fetch the version of themselves that they so often leave the moment they birth children.
Written, recorded and crafted by Muffy Mendoza, the founder of Brown Mamas, the workbook, journal prompts and deck of question cards are all based on the real-life journey of a young Black mother recovering from survival mode.
Each course purchase come with up to 15 books, workbooks, journals, question decks and up to 15 seats on the online course.
Individuals and organizations will find the course and it’s companion guide, easy to follow and relatable. If you are ready to help yourself or the moms-of-color in your life tur their homes, hearts and lives into their own personal breeding ground for self-mastery, purchase the Brown Mama Mindset Curricula today.
Here are some downloads to help you navigate the curricula.
Participant's Registration Form
Facilitator's Companion Guide
Self-Efficacy Assessment
Closing Certificates (Please make a copy of this Canva template and add your student's and facilitator's names)