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mindset shifts

blog 3 Mindset Shifts to be the Best Black Mom to Your Kids

Hey mama! Quick check-in. How’s your mindset these days? Especially with all that is going on in the world around us. It’s often hard to keep a positive outlook all the time. Heck, even half the time. I don’t believe anyone chooses to dwell in the negative. If you’re looking for some mindset shifts, I’m going to share a few that you can put into use right away.

First up – FOCUS ON THE GOOD. It is so easy to reflect on the bad or not so good things that we have going on. Challenge yourself to see the silver lining in those situations. Everything isn’t always rainbows and butterflies but there can be a rainbow at the end of the storm. I’m sure you get what I’m saying, without me throwing out all the cliches and quotes.

And you don’t necessarily have to find the good in the bad situation. You can just focus on the good you do have going on in your life. For example: I’m really bummed I didn’t get that job I interviewed for, I thought I did so well. I got an unexpected call from a friend I hadn’t talked to in a while, so glad I still have people in my life that care and love me. One negative offset by an unrelated positive. You could also be thankful for the opportunity to interview – your silver lining.

mindset shifts

Secondly – PRACTICE GRATITUDE. Recognizing the things around you that you are grateful for and either thinking, saying or writing your thanks. You can tie this into the first suggested shift. Once you find that silver lining, give thanks for it. If you are a writer, get you a gratitude journal. Writing in itself can be therapeutic. Couple that with journaling your gratitude is definitely a top contributor to mindset shifts. When I think of things I am thankful for, it instantly lifts my mood. Try it!

Remember that thing about writing being therapeutic? If you’re ready to expound on your mindset, check out the Brown Mama Mindset and Workbook on sale here.

A third way – SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE. Yep, you do not have to make these mindset shifts on your own. Just like you know who in your life brings you down. You know who to turn to, to build you up. Set up that phone call, video chat or brunch date with that special person or group of people who always seem to be upbeat. And even if your people aren’t available, it’s okay to fire up your favorite podcast or YouTube channel, hosted by your internet “friends”. Curate your social media to be a positive oasis you can turn to for a quick cheering up. Perhaps that can be some homework for you, go through your social accounts and do a sweep to rid it of blatant negative content.

Once you have improved your mindset, just look at how it impacts those around you. These 3 shifts are just a sample of what you can put into practice. Essence provides some tips on adding joy to your life. Share in the comments if you have instituted any of these practices in your life and saw a shift.

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