It’s summer time and the living is NOT easy. My kids have successfully evaded summer camp for two weeks and all of my nieces and nephews have been at my home for at least two days or more all at one time. As of now, I’m drowning in motherhood. But, it is what it is and…
Surviving a Family Outing with Kids & Pittsburgh’s Hidden Gems
What My Houseplants Teach Me About Self-Care
Self-Care Activity Journal Many of you mamas may not know, but Sunday, January 10th was National Houseplant Appreciation Day. What you likely know is that I’m an avid gardener. I love my plants. Mostly I love them because they give me so much love in the form of clean air, beautiful scenery & just taking… -
Coupling for a Cause & Why We Took the Day Off May 19th
The longer I am married the more my husband seems to amaze me. I thought that as time went on our relationship would become mundane and less fun, but just today we played basketball together for the very first time. It was in the spirit of giving our children parents who love each other and… -
Act Like a Lady, Think Like an Ant
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][subtitle type=”3″]Mamavation: Act Like a Lady, Think Like an Ant[/subtitle][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row] -
Easy Eating: Grilled Cheese Sandwich & Soup
Saturday is a day to relax. So around 4 pm when your tummy starts to rumble and the kids begin to say those two magic words, “I’m hungry,” us brown mamas have no desire to pull out the spices, heat up the oven or boil any water. But, thanks to the god’s of the deli… -
5 Ways to Go into the New Year Grown Woman Style
1. Run Your House Right “I hate that word ‘housewife.’ I prefer to be called ‘domestic goddess.” -Roseanne Barr All right my domestic divas, on a scale from 1-5, how well does your house run. Are your dishes washed every night? Do your children have any hobbies? Does your home look inviting and… -
4 Reasons I Love My Kids’ CHIP Health Insurance
I am a teaming up with Allies for Children and Moms Rising to promote the Healthy Together campaign, which aims to cover 100 percent of children and youth in the City of Pittsburgh with quality, affordable health insurance. This is a sponsored post, however all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own. Yup, my… -
10 Things to Clean when Your Kid Gets Sick
Unless you want to end up like me right now: You betta start thinking about what you should be cleaning as soon as your kids get sick. I made the costly mistake of trying to make home remedies for the last two days while Lil’ Mack is home sick from school instead of Lysoling and… -
5 Easy Upgrades to Make Your House Feel Like Christmas
Just because your holiday budget is tight, doesn’t mean your Christmas spirit has to be. Our family never does a huge Christmas, but I vowed this year that I was going to give the house some holiday spirit by decorating the mess out of it. This is the big gift I’m giving to my children…