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15 Homeschooling Subscription Boxes

Whether you are new to the homeschooling journey or a veteran, I’m sure you know variety and creativity are key. And when those “keys” are created by someone else (with you in mind).. that’s a lifesaver!

Plan Your ENTIRE Homeschool Week in One Hour

Homeschool planning is my least favorite part of learning with my children as a lifestyle. Some days I wake up not knowing what I want to wear, let alone what I want to teach.I’m always searching for ways to make homeschool planning easy, and ways to allow my kids more control and responsibility over their…

5 Ways to Anchor Your Daily Homeschool Schedule

Your daily homeschool schedule or routine is the very foundation of your life when you are a homeschooler.It dictates and determines your direction for the day, but what I’ve found is that most folks spend way too much time complicating this schedule.Instead of trying to come up with a super structured homeschool regimine, we anchor…

Brown Mamas’ First-Time Homeschooler E-Book Bundle

This bundle of digital downloads for first-time homeschoolers, includes Brown Mamas’ Guide to DeSchooling, a weekly meal planner and an activity-based learning assessment to help you begin your homeschooling journey the right way, no matter how short or long it might be.

10 Gifts Every Black Homeschooler will Love

For homeschoolers the holiday season is a time for reflection. Many of us take a break during the month of December and re-organize our curricula, evaluate our children’s performance and take a much needed mental break.When you’re considering your loved ones who may be homeschooling in-color, it might seem as if we have everything. But,…

Our Homeschool Field Trip to MuseumLab

Homeschool field trip ideas can prove scarce when you’ve been doing it for 5 years. But, alas a new option has arrived in Pittsburgh. Record a mock podcast, experiment with virtual reality, write a book and learn how to bind it, code your very own adventure game and do a woodworking project are all activities…

Our Homeschool Field Trip to MuseumLab

Homeschool field trip ideas can prove scarce when you’ve been doing it for 5 years. But, alas a new option has arrived in Pittsburgh. Record a mock podcast, experiment with virtual reality, write a book and learn how to bind it, code your very own adventure game and do a woodworking project are all activities…

Our Homeschool Field Trip to MuseumLab

Homeschool field trip ideas can prove scarce when you’ve been doing it for 5 years. But, alas a new option has arrived in Pittsburgh. Record a mock podcast, experiment with virtual reality, write a book and learn how to bind it, code your very own adventure game and do a woodworking project are all activities…

10 African-Centered Curriculum for Black Homeschoolers

I meet families all the time that are searching for African-Centered Curriculum. The involvement of African-American families in homeschooling has become palpable. Homeschooling is as old as time and many Black families are adopting it instead of the traditional schooling system. Academic interest in homeschooling has spiked over the last decade.Black families are taking charge…

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